Saturday, January 22, 2011

PLR Untuk Adsense

Setelah dulu sempet di banned oleh Google adsense, saya mencoba lagi mendaftar menggunakan nama kakak. Dalam waktu dua bulan sudah mencapai $25 dan kemarin saya terima PIN Google adsense. Saya penasaran dengan google adsense, sempet beli juga Adsense Black Magic.
Saat ini saat selalu mengupdate blog saya yang berbahasa Inggris 1 posting tiap hari dengan menggunakan artikel PLR. Cuma saya memilih topic yang memiliki nilai klik tinggi/high paying. Bagi anda yang memiliki keterbatasan menulis artikel dalam bahasa inggris saya bagikan gratis beberapa PLR. Silahkan anda download gratis.
1. Advertising (Download)
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4. Entrepreneurs (Download)
5. Ethics (Download)
6. Home Based (Download)
7. Management (Download)
8. Marketing (Download)
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12. Small Business (Download)
Buat yang belum tahu apa itu PLR berikut saya copy in definisi PLR dari salah satu forum. Private Label Rights (PLR) : Jika anda membeli produk Private Label Rights, maka produk tersebut sepenuhnya sudah menjadi milik anda, dan anda akan mendapat source code-nya / file mentah. Anda boleh merubah isi-nya, merubah gambarnya, merubah halaman penjualannya, merubah total produk tersebut menjadi produk baru, bahkan anda bisa mengklaim bahwa produk tersebut adalah buatan anda. Anda dapat menjualnya kembali dengan lisensi Resell, Master Resell, Private Label Rights.
Artikel ini juga sangat cocok bagi pemula blog yang ingin mendaftarkan blognya di program google Adsense tetapi mempunyai keterbatasan dalam menulis artikel berbahasa inggris.

Rahasia Mendapatkan Dollar dari Adsense

Rahasia Google adsense

Karena banyak member indocracker yang menginginkan cara hack google adsense, maka saya posting ini. Cara ini memang berhasil. tapi, banyak persyaratan yang harus ditaati. jadi, tolong taati saran2 dari saya. gini caranya,

1. pasang iklan di web/blog anda. Iklannya, kontent dan search engine. Ingat!! minimal 3 iklan content dan 1 saja search engine.

2. postinglah artikel yang bernilai tinggi. seperti "mesothelioma". untuk contoh silahkan masuk kesini

3. setelah itu masuklah ke sini

4. disana ada kotak untuk memasukkan website dan ada pointer yang bertuliskan negara2.

5. klik option "united states", dan masukkan alamat Website anda di kotak yang bertuliskan "URL"

6. setelah anda masuk, ke website anda. maka, iklan google adsense anda akan muncul. INGAT!!! ini sangat penting. bila, isi iklan konten google adsense di web anda berisi tulisan "proxy", dll pokoknya yang ada tulisan proxynya. segera "back", dan klik "go" lagi di kotak URL tersebut.

7. Pastikan iklan anda tidak mengandung kata2 "proxy", seperti contohnya, blog saya yang satu lagi. blog saya tersebut isi artikelnya tentang "mesothelioma". dan saya memastikan iklan google adsense saya berisi tentang "mesothelioma". Lalu, kliklah ke-3 kontent iklan anda tersebut, dan kliklah iklan anda di search engine anda. keyword bernilai tinggi adalah: "mesothelioma", "business", "forex", dll

8. setelah melakukan point ke 7, "closelah" web bowser anda, lalu ulangilah langkah2 dari point ke-3.

a. jangan lebih dari $10 sehari anda mehack google adsense.
b. total anda mehack google adsense jangan lebih dari $50. setelah mencapai $50, lakukanlah dengan halal sampai $100.
c. page impression minimal harus 10 X lipat lebih banyak dari klik-an iklan anda.
d. anda bebas memilih option dari negara mana saja anda ingin memilih, namun United States adalah yang terbesar pendapatan iklan google adsense nya.

Jangan terlalu serakah dalam mehack google adsense, karena google adsense memiliki sistem keamanan yang sensitif, namun jika kita berhati2, bukan tidak mungkin kita bisa menembusnya.
Dan, jaga nafsu anda untuk mengklik iklan adsense anda. jangan terlalu banyak perharinya, seperti saya, dengan menggunakan keyword "mesothelioma", earnings saya sudah mencapai $10 hanya dengan 13 X klik. dan saya sudah mendapatkan 2 kali pembayaran dengan cek tahun ini.

Satu lagi, Indocracker tidak akan bertanggung jawab dengan di bannednya akun adsense anda. bila itu terjadi, dipastikan anda telah melanggar salah satu point-point diatas. Thx

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

RAHASIA SUKSES DAFTAR GOOGLE ADSENSE: Buat yang sudah putus asa dalam daftar google ades...

RAHASIA SUKSES DAFTAR GOOGLE ADSENSE: Buat yang sudah putus asa dalam daftar google ades...: "Anda tidak perlu putus asa karena selalu blog anda ditolak oleh mbah google, padahal anda sudah belajar sana-sini, bikin trok-trik jitu sepe..."

PANDUAN BELAJAR INTERNET MARKETING: Salam Blogging Bagi Anda Yang Ingin Kaya Dari Inte...

PANDUAN BELAJAR INTERNET MARKETING: Salam Blogging Bagi Anda Yang Ingin Kaya Dari Inte...: "Tidak ada yang mudah dan instan baik di dunia maya dan didunia nyata. Didunia nyata okelah kita semua udah paham, gak ada yang gratis, mau g..."

PNPM MANDIRI PERDESAAN: Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa


heruleaks(dot)com: Bagaimanakah cara menyusun daftar kata kunci yang ...

heruleaks(dot)com: Bagaimanakah cara menyusun daftar kata kunci yang ...: "Bagaimanakah cara menyusun daftar kata kunci yang efektif? Anda dapat selalu menggunakan Alat Kata Kunci guna mendapatkan gagasan untuk ist..."

PNPM MANDIRI PERDESAAN: Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa


Monday, December 20, 2010

Bagaimanakah cara menyusun daftar kata kunci yang efektif?

Anda dapat selalu menggunakan Alat Kata Kunci guna mendapatkan gagasan untuk istilah penelusuran dan topik Jaringan Display untuk menjadi target kampanye iklan Anda. Anda juga dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini untuk menyusun daftar kata kunci yang lebih efektif:

1. Ketika Anda membuat daftar, berpikirlah seperti pelanggan atau pengunjung situs web.

Istilah atau frasa apakah yang akan dipakai pelanggan untuk menggambarkan produk atau jasa Anda?
* Untuk kata kunci penelusuran, jangan lupa cantumkan kata kunci yang mungkin ditelusuri pengguna di Google untuk menemukan bisnis Anda. Lalu perluas daftar untuk menyertakan beberapa variasi relevan yang mencakup variasi ejaan (misalnya, sistem, sistim), bentuk jamak, sinonim dan salah ejaan. Untuk meringkankan proses curah pikiran, gunakan Alat Kata Kunci. Untuk menggunakan Alat Kata Kunci dalam akun, pilih tab Kata kunci dan klikTambahkan kata kunci, lalu tautan Alat Kata Kunci.
* Untuk kata kunci Jaringan Display, pastikan memilih kata kunci yang paling terkait dengan konsep pusat grup iklan, sebagaimana iklan pada Jaringan Display ditargetkan menurut keseluruhan tema daftar kata kunci, bukan istilah kata kunci. Pilih tema kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan konten pada situs web yang mungkin dikunjungi target pemirsa Anda.

2. Pertajam atau hapus kata kunci yang mungkin terlalu luas atau tidak relevan.

Kata kunci yang terlalu luas dapat menurunkan kinerja dengan menghasilkan banyak tayangan iklan namun sedikit klik.
* Untuk kata kunci penelusuran, hapus kata kunci umum pada daftar yang bisa dikaitkan dengan rentang produk atau jasa yang luas. Kata kunci satu kata cenderung terlalu umum; jadi, cobalah gunakan frasa dua atau tiga kata. Misalnya, menggunakan kata kunci umum tas untuk mempromosikan koper dapat menayangkan iklan ke pengguna yang menelusuri barang tak terkait seperti tas sekolah dan tas pesta. Agar kata kunci lebih khusus, tambahkan kata-kata yang menggambarkan barang atau jasa. Alih-alih menggunakan kata kunci tas , cobalah kata kunci yang lebih relevan dan menggambarkan seperti koper, tas tangan, dan beli koper di internet.
* Untuk kata kunci Jaringan Display, hindari ini dengan menghapus kata kunci yang tidak terkait erat dengan tema grup iklan utama. Hindari membuat daftar kata kunci yang memiliki makna ganda. Misalnya, membuat daftar kata kunci bertarget Jaringan Display menggunakan istilah Toraja, Luwak, dll. dapat membuat sistem AdWords menempatkan iklan pada situs-situs yang berkaitan dengan kopi maupun lokasi wisata Tanah Toraja dan binatang Luwak. Atau, pastikan menggunakan kata kunci bertema sempit pada setiap grup iklan sesuai konten yang pemirsa target Anda akan lihat, seperti Kopi Toraja, Kopi Luwak.

3. Untuk Jaringan Penelusuran, pertimbangkan menggunakan Laporan Istilah Penelusuran untuk menyempurnakan daftar kata kunci. Laporan ini akan memberi informasi tentang kueri penelusuran sebenarnya yang digunakan orang untuk menemukan iklan Anda. Dengan informasi ini, Anda dapat menambahkan kata kunci atau menghapusnya dari daftar.

4. Mempertimbangkan opsi pencocokan kata kunci lainnya.
* Pada Jaringan Penelusuran, Anda dapat memilih empat macam opsi pencocokan kata kunci guna menargetkan iklan ke pengguna: pencocokan luas, frasa, persis, atau negatif. Jika Anda tidak menetapkan opsi khusus, setelan bawaan kata kunci adalah pencocokan luas. Beralihlah ke salah satu opsi jika Anda ingin menyaring pemirsa yang lebih relevan. Dengan menerapkan opsi pencocokan yang lebih terfokus, Anda dapat menjangkau pemirsa yang lebih berminat pada apa yang Anda tawarkan, mengurangi biaya per klik (BPK), dan meningkatkan ROI.
* Akan tetapi pada Jaringan Display, semua kata kunci hanya dianggap pencocokan luas, sistem AdWords tidak menggunakan kata kunci individual untuk menargetkan iklan pada Jaringan Display, namun lebih ke seluruh tema dari semua gabungan kata kunci. Maka, hanya opsi kata kunci pencocokan luas dan pencocokan negatif yang tersedia untuk grup iklan yang ditargetkan untuk Jaringan Display.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

While Democrats across the country are anguished about the bitter fight for their presidential nomination, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn't appear to be losing any sleep over it.

That's all the Nevada Democrat would say about it.
Reid also weighed in on the controversy over Michigan and Florida, states whose Democratic convention delegates were stripped when they scheduled primaries before Super Tuesday, Feb. 5, without permission from the DNC.
The DNC authorized only Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina to hold nominating contests before that date. Those four states teamed up to demand successfully that the Democratic candidates not campaign in the two renegade states.
The punishment was intended to be symbolic, on the assumption that a nominee would be decided early and delegate counts wouldn't matter.
That has turned out to be a bad assumption. Now Hillary Clinton, who won both states and trails in the delegate count, says Michigan and Florida shouldn't be left out, even though Barack Obama wasn't on the ballot in Michigan.
Both states came to the conclusion last week they couldn't hold new primaries.
"Michigan and Florida wouldn't play by the rules," Reid said. "They're not my rules. They're not the caucus' rules. They're DNC rules. They broke the rules."
Adding delegates for those states, he noted, would alter the number of delegates needed to get the nomination, currently 2,025. It wasn't crystal clear, but Reid seemed to suggest that delegations from those states should get to attend the convention, but not vote.
"Michigan and Florida delegates are going to be seated. They're going to be a part of the convention," he said. "It's a question of whether anything can be worked out to change this prior to the 2,025.
"They're the ones causing all the problems. No one else did. And so they will be seated. They're big states. They represent 29 million people. We want to make sure their delegates are part of the convention that takes place in Denver."

Remember when the United States had to take out Saddam Hussein because he was part of the shadowy enemy that attacked America on Sept. 11, 2001, and was doing his darnedest to get nuclear weapons?
The Bush administration has acknowledged that the Iraqi dictator wasn't linked to al-Qaida, and inspectors have determined his nuclear program was defunct. But the Nevada Republican Party makes it sound like 2003 all over again.
In a statement attacking the "anti-war left," state party Chairwoman Sue Lowden last week said politicians who advocate "surrender" like to avoid "facts that we, as Republicans, clearly know, understand and will never forget."
"It is a fact that Saddam Hussein was a terrorist and Iraq was a state sponsor of terrorism," Lowden said. "It is a fact that Saddam Hussein had and utilized weapons of mass destruction. It is a fact that Saddam Hussein's government paid tens of thousands of dollars to families of terrorist suicide bombers who killed innocent men, women and children."
Nevada Republican Party Executive Director Zac Moyle said the sponsorship of terrorism was a reference to Saddam's funding of Palestinian suicide bombers and to his actions against his own people, which included the use of weapons of mass destruction.
But the statement appears carefully worded to imply something different, said Max Bergmann, deputy policy director for the National Security Network, a nonpartisan anti-war group.
It's accurate to call Saddam a terrorist who used weapons of mass destruction if you're referring to his terrorizing his own people: Saddam in the 1980s used biological weapons against the Kurds of northern Iraq. And in an attempt to curry favor with other countries in the region, Saddam did give money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.
But Lowden's statement appears to suggest something different, Bergmann said. It reads as though it is reasserting the debunked rationale for the war, linking Saddam to anti-American, Islamic extremist terrorism.
"Saddam terrorized his own people. That is fundamentally true. He was a tyrannical, authoritarian dictator who tortured people and ruled with an iron fist," Bergmann said. "But if you're going to imply that that's why the invasion of Iraq was necessary and urgent, does that mean the United States should be taking out all leaders who terrorize their own people, from Mugabe in Zimbabwe to the military junta in Burma? The fact is that in invading Iraq, we attacked a regime that had nothing to do with September 11th."
War observers on both sides of the partisan divide, including Democrats who supported the war, have largely abandoned those arguments, Bergmann said.
"I'm sort of surprised a party would still be pushing this line that's been so thoroughly discredited. It's like they're living on another planet."
Moyle defended the statement, saying Saddam "paid for suicide bombers and things of that nature. He used weapons of mass destruction on his own people. That shows he was capable of that. He was a terrorist, a dictator, someone who was a potential threat, and we believe we are better off having him not in power."
Asked whether the statement implied an association with al-Qaida, Moyle declined to comment. As for whether other cruel tyrants should be targeted by the U.S. military, Moyle said he wouldn't engage in speculation.

As a politician who opposes legal abortion but seeks the support of pro-choice constituencies, Harry Reid walks a fine line.
He attempted to explain the balancing act at a Democratic event last week, when an activist asked him about the issue of affordable birth control.
"It's very unusual for someone like me, because of my stand on abortion, but I have the support of all the feminist groups in Washington," Reid noted. The reason, he said, is that he found common cause with such groups in working to stop unwanted pregnancy.
Some Reid critics have questioned his pro-life bona fides, given his good marks from pro-choice groups. For example, in 2007 he got a 100 percent "Pro-Choice Score" from NARAL Pro-Choice America. Reid has said he hasn't had to vote directly on whether or not abortion should be legal, because the matter has been settled by the Supreme Court.
"It seems common sense to me that if we can lower the number of unwanted pregnancies, we can stop a lot of abortions," he said last week.
Reid explained that he was the author of a bill to mandate that health insurance companies cover birth control.
"After I came out with this legislation, I did a national radio program, and a woman from Texas called," Reid recalled. "She said, 'I don't believe in contraceptives.' I said, 'Nobody forces you to use them.'"
That's all well and good, but he didn't answer the question, the questioner, Annette Magnus of Planned Parenthood of Southern Nevada, noted after Reid's appearance.
The group is urging its supporters to e-mail and call Reid's office to urge him to take up the birth control issue. Because of an apparently unintentional provision in a federal law that took effect last year, the average cost of a month's supply of birth control pills went from $10 to $50.
Planned Parenthood says that change most affects college students and low-income women.
There is a bipartisan bill in Congress to fix the provision at no cost to government or taxpayers; even opponents of abortion rights don't oppose it. But the bill is languishing because it hasn't been taken up as a priority, the group says.
Pressed on the question later, Reid spokesman Jon Summers said the senator is aware of the issue and is committed to solving it.
"We support a no-cost technical fix to get it done as soon as we can," he said.

By Molly Ball

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Long Journey White Shoes

The Long Journey White Shoes and the Couples Company
Tifa Asrianti , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Sun, 03/28/2010 11:42 AM | Music

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step, a proverb says. For White Shoes and the Couples Company, the fruit of the journey they started in 2002 is now available for their fans to devour in Album Vakansi (Holiday Album), due out early next month.
And by journey, members of the White Shoes and the Couples Company mean a musical one. They promise their latest album will bear traces of all of their influences to date.
Besides, no one would consider the White Shoes and the Couples Company to be trailblazers who have torn down all rock clichés and have built a new musical genre of their own.
In fact, White Shoes and the Couples Company thrive on cliché. The band members’ penchant for wearing wedding party get-ups and their cheeky quoting of Indonesian idioms from the 1970s did much to bolster their retro-is-the-new-cool cred. Sonically, some of the band’s memorable tunes are reminiscent of Indonesian pop tunes from the days gone by, ones that were sung by Tetty Kadi, Dara Puspita and Koes Plus.
Ben Sisario of the New York Times, who caught White Shoes and the Couples Company’s gig at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Austin, Texas, in 2008, said tunes from the band drew from the 1960s and 1970s bubblegum and easy-listening, with big nods to Neil Diamond, the Carpenters and disco.
White Shoes and the Couples Company at Haight Street, San Fransisco Courtesy of White Shoes and the Couples Company
For their current project, White Shoes and the Couples Company seem to be torn between two options: living up to the cliché or pursuing a new artistic direction.
Lead singer Aprilia “Sari” Apsari said that the new album had a more diverse selection of songs and by having “journey” as its main theme, Sari admitted her band wanted to give fans a new experience and take them on a journey back in time.
“The inspiration for this album comes from a variety of sources, music from 1950s, jazz, pop, ethnic music, funk even traditional Papuan music,” Sari told The Jakarta Post after a photo shoot for their album cover art in an upmarket joint in Central Jakarta recently.
Bass player Ricky Surya Virgana was convinced that all songs in the album, collectively written by band members, were their best shot at songwriting and it would be a filler-free record.
One notable difference in the new record is the presence of old timers from across the musical genre who lent their craft.
“One thing about this album is that we have had collaborations with musicians like pop legend Fariz Roestam Munaf and jazz maestro Oele Pattiselanno. We are serious about this collaboration, and we meticulously arranged the compositions,” Ricky said.
White Shoes and the Couples Company met the two musicians when they shared the bill at the 2006 Java Jazz Festival. White Shoes and the Couples Company were among a handful of non-jazz outfits invited to perform for the festival.
One of mainstays in Jakarta close-knit indie scene, the White Shoes has had high-profile gigs, including one where they performed at the SXSW music festival in March 2008.
Later in the same year, the band received an invitation to play at the CMJ Festival in New York. This weekend, White Shoes and the Couples Company is expected to open for Kings of Convenience for the Norwegian acoustic duo’s gig in Jakarta.
Before charming the international crowd, White Shoes and the Couples Company — a moniker they adopted to refer to a popular trend in the Jakarta Art Institute (IKJ) campus for wearing white shoes and an allusion to the fact that there are two couples in the band — has long been a darling of the Jakarta indie scene.
The band’s debut single Senandung Maaf (Ballad of Apology) was featured in the soundtrack to the movie Janji Joni (Joni’s Promise) in 2005. Two songs from their early period Tentang Cita (About Aspiration) and Senja Menggila (Crazy Dusk) were used as soundtrack for teen flick In 2009, the band was nominated for the best cutting-edge artist at the MTV Indonesia Award.
After conquering the local market, the next logical step is to break into the overseas market. In October 2007, White Shoes and the Couples Company signed a record deal with the Chicago-based Minty Fresh record, which agreed to re-issue the band’s self-titled debut album and their second release, an EP titled Skenario Masa Muda (Scenario of Adolescence) for the US, Mexico, Canada, Australia and Japan.
November last year, White Shoes and the Couples Company signed a similar deal with Taiwanese label Avant Garden Record that will reissue their debut album for the country’s market.
In spite of the international recognition, White Shoes remains true to their indie roots. When Aksara Records, the band’s record label for five years folded earlier this year, the White Shoes and the Couples Company resisted the temptation to move to the other side by signing to a major label. For the new album, the White Shoes will remain in the fold of a Jakarta-based independent label.
The band also adopts a guerilla-style marketing campaign. Given the high cost of marketing through television, Ricky said his band would stick to the media that has served them well so far, the Internet. White Shoes and the Couples Company is apparently savvy enough to put links to their Youtube videos, MySpace page, Facebook account and Twitter page on their website.
“I think the Internet is more effective for promotion because it can reach our target market and fans. Besides, televisions are already inundated by pop performers,” Sari said.
To promote the new album, White Shoes and the Couples Company will send advance copies to radio stations. These radio stations are free to pick any songs to be on their playlists. In fact, fans will be offered with a chance to shoot videos for the album.
But the band will also embark on the tried and true marketing strategy of performing for gigs.
“We have a plan to do promotion in small venues, so that we can be more intimate with our fans. We plan to tour in cities where we had performed before, such as Yogyakarta, North Sumatra’s Medan and South Sulawesi’s Makassar,” guitarist Yusmario Farabi said.
White Shoes also plans to end this year with a bang. Rio said the band expected to stage a big concert in Jakarta later this year.
They also set their eyes on foreign market by planning to have a Southeast Asian tour. Rio said that the band would have shows in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
Of the three countries, Thailand proved to be the hardest terrain for the band.
“From the Internet, we could learn what the American audience expected of us. But for Thailand, it’s a bit difficult, because the language is so different,” Ricky said.
To tear down the language barrier, the band has commissioned electric guitarist Saleh Husein Machfud to learn Thai. Saleh has used this language skill when the band performed their last gig in Thailand, when he sung one song completely in Thai.
“Well, many people say I’m a genius,” Saleh deadpans.
After eight years together, a sense of camaraderie is palpable among band members. Band members even decided to live close to each other in Tebet neighborhood in South Jakarta.
“We are living in the same neighborhood, so we will know what the others are doing or the music they are listening to,” Rio said.
Being in the same neighborhood allows members to look after each other, literally.
“The good thing about living close to each other is that I can ask them to babysit my kids when I got important things to do,” said multi-instrumentalist Apri Mela Prawidiyanti, who is also a mother of two.
Being close to each other could also weigh them down but the friendship that they had formed since college helped a lot to prevent the band from breaking up.
“I think the reason we have survived this long is because we can talk to each other on issues other than music. We’ve been friends for a long time, back to when we’re still in college,” Sari said.